Friday, April 8, 2011


There are certain chapsticks that I can not put on my sweet lips. Chapsticks with petrolatum in them are not compatible with me. They only make my lips drier and they make my lips obsessed to be moisturized.

That's why I use Burt's Bees. It's my favorite chapstick.

My parents bought chapstick for me and it was the regular kind. I was fuming inside and gave it back to them. They went to Kmart to buy me the chapstick and they didn't find the one I like. So personally, if I couldn't find the chapstick that I liked, then I wouldn't even waste money to buy a substitute.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Sleeping Stinky Flower

Photos by the Stinky Flower

My Butt was Hilarious!

Yer a Loser
Guess wat this calves
Stinky Flower

Kindergarten Crush

See that boy behind me? psst...i'm the girl with the sleepy eyes

He was my first ever crush. Most of what I remember in Kindergarten was of him. 
I don't remember the letters that we learned or the talent shows that we had, I remembered him.
And I finally found him on Facebook! I'm getting to know him again and I can't believe that I'm succeeding one of my goals in life.


We got Tacoumba to come work
with us in the Peace Jam Conference!
He is so amaaaazing and I was
by his stories, I can't wait for the Peace Jam Conference!