Monday, January 3, 2011

Her Infuriated Mind

She still doesn't know if
she's lying to herself or not.
She's been contemplating
about you for days now
since Saturday.
Maybe you shouldn't have
cut your hair.
Maybe you shouldn't have
changed your style.
Because now you caught
her eyes.
She made a promise to herself
not to go back to you,
but that promise might break
if you keep changing the way
you look.
You've got her hooked again and its'
freaking her out.
She doesn't understand if this is another phase
of her crush on you,
or if it's love.
She hasn't cried yet because of you
and her heart hasn't been broken
because of you,
Maybe it's still just a crush.
So STOP what you're doing to her,
if she ever tells you what you're doing to her.

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