Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Shaking Sunday

Let's see...
The TDT situation is ok, well, according to me it is.
I don't know what Apple is planning and I don't
want to be a part of it.

Yesterday, I went to do laundry so I missed choir practice.
I really wanted to go, but then,
Naw Prat came to pick me up to dance
and we practiced the whole day,
but this morning I couldn't remember at all.

My mom also wanted me to play the piano in church.
I was nervous the whole day and my body was so
freakin' cold.

Something I learned about myself:
My body shakes with ice during nervousness.

I did well. I was so worried, but after you
accomplish something, everything's good.
Now to learn another song to be frightened for
next week.

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